Our Bore Water Quality Test Reports

At Jains Eiffel Garden, we use our bore water for purposes other than drinking and cooking. However, it is best practice to periodically test that water quality. We recently tested water quality of both bores at TWAD water testing laboratory. We ordered chemical and bacteriology tests. These samples are taken before the Water Treatment Plant and directly from the bore well output.

Following is the report for bore well 1 water sample. This bore well is opposite ABCD tower entrance.

Following is the report for bore well 2 water sample. This bore well is on the eastern side driveway and close to the OTS area entrance.

Dr Sharaan, a qualified medical practitioner, and one of our residents has been kind enough to go through these reports and provide his observations as below. I wish to thank him on your behalf.

His observations to the best of my understanding are:
  • Bore water alkalinity, hardness are a tad above acceptable thresholds
  • Turbidity and Dissolved solids are way above acceptable thresholds

  • Free Ammonia in water is above acceptable threshold. Such ammonia levels in water may be potentially harmful for the human body if the water is consumed without processing

  • We have no harmful bacteria in our water. The bacteriological reports look clean
Nothing very alarming in the reports except a concern on elevated ammonia levels in the water. However, our bore water is not potable directly from the well.

Bore water from both bore wells are processed by our water treatment plant before it is delivered to homes. The water treatment plant removes turbidity and hardness and chlorinates the water. This makes the bore water clean and useful for washing clothes, bathing, etc.,

Please do not use the bore water for drinking and cooking purpose (or even washing your teeth) without using an RO Water Purifier at your home, and/or boiling it first. Internet reports say boiling water helps remove Ammonia from the water.

We do plan to share this report with our water treatment plant maintenance people and take their inputs as well.

Should you have any observations on these reports or you have any suggestions, kindly record it in a comment for this post or write to jegfowa04@gmail.com.

Have a great day.

Secretary - JEGFOWA

Your maintenance money at work.


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