Our EB Bills have jumped to a new high

Dear Residents and Owners living off campus,

I would like to bring to your attention the recent cost escalation in EB bills paid by the association. This is for your information only. We welcome your insights.

Here is a graph that shows how much we have paid (or will be paying) since October 2022. This is with Business As Usual continuing without any addition of common electrical loads.

We see that we are paying 19% higher than October bill. This is primarily due to tariff increase by the Electricity Board. If we continue as usual, this new upper threshold will also continue.

I am sure you see a hike in your personal electricity bill and are possibly taking actions on it.

So we at JEGFOWA need to cut down on inefficiencies. Your help and support in doing the same is absolutely essential.

Common lighting, water pumps and 4 lifts are the major loads connected to the common service lines. We are in the process of identifying all the common loads connected to the service lines.

JEGFOWA will take action as below:

  1. Identify and eliminate opportunities where the water pumps are running when OHT is overflowing already. This also wastes precious water. One tank is fitted with an automated water level control system. We will fit the other tank with one too.
  2. Explore delayed start and early stop of common lighting as summer sets in and there is more daylight
  3. Replace old bulbs with LED lights
  4. We will educate our staff to use lifts optimally
We request each resident's help in the following:
  1. When you want to go up or down, please do not call both lifts to action to save time to catch the fastest lift. Please advise your family members including kids. By this action of calling both lifts to action, the electricity spent on one lift goes to waste
  2. If you see any inefficiencies during daytime unnecessarily, alert our Site Supervisor
We are exploring implementing 'one lift per tower' constraint during off peak hours and nights. This is a heads up. Your EC is discussing the same. We will keep you informed.

Have a great day.


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