
Showing posts from June, 2023

Garbage Segregation - How To

Here is a simple video on garbage segregation. We encourage you to give attention to the contents of the video and follow the best practices suggested. Thank you very much for your usual excellent co-operation. Secretary - JEGFOWA

How to use a Fire Extinguisher

We have Fire Extinguishers installed on all floors (lift lobbies). They are prominently identified by a Zebra board behind them. These Fire Extinguishers have been serviced and are in now is working condition. Each of us need to know how to operate a fire extinguisher in case of an emergency. Here is a video that explains how to operate a fire extinguisher. Our fire extinguishers are of type ABC. Please ensure your own safety and the safety of others around you before you attempt to use the fire extinguisher to put out a fire.

Segregating Garbage

Dear Residents, Clean, Green Jains Eiffel Garden We need your help and cooperation. For the past couple of days, corporation staff have refused to collect our waste. Their stated reason is that the garbage is not properly segregated. Our Vice President and Secretary followed the housekeeping team today to observe the collection process in the ABCD tower and found some flats in good compliance of the segregation mandate. Kudos to you all. Unfortunately we also saw many instances of plastic covers or tetra pack covers in wet waste food waste disposed in plastic delivery containers dry waste bins with food waste diapers and sanitary waste not disposed off in separate garbage bags Here is the copy of Chennai Corporation bye laws on waste management. Below is an excerpt from that document  is relevant for the waste generator - which is each one of us residing at Jains Eiffel Garden 4.0 Duties of waste generators.-  (1) Every waste generator shall,-  (i) segregate and store t...